The most common traffic accidents and how to avoid them

Ernesto Gonzalez • Mar 14, 2024

Welcome to our definitive guide on the most common traffic accidents in Florida, and how to avoid them. In this article, we will explore the various types of accidents that occur most frequently on our roads and provide practical tips to keep you safe while driving. This article is designed to be a quick and easy read.

5 minutes Reading time.

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What you will find in this article:

  • Types of Accidents: A look at the most common accidents, including rear-end, side, sideswipe, and head-on collisions.
  • How to Avoid Accidents: Practical tips for preventing accidents, such as avoiding distractions, respecting speed limits, and more.
  • Defensive Driving: Techniques for driving safely and preventing accidents.
  • Conclusions: Final thoughts on the importance of road safety.

One of the most common causes of death and bodily injury in Orlando, Florida, is traffic accidents. In this article, you can read about the most common traffic accidents and how to avoid them.

Types of Accidents

Rear-End Collisions

Two cars are involved in a car accident on the side of the road. Rear-ended. Attorney Ernesto Gonzalez in Orlando FL. Article on types of accidents and how to avoid them.

Rear-end collisions are the most frequent type of accident in Florida. They occur when one vehicle's front impacts another car's rear.

Although this type of crash usually occurs on roads or streets with heavy traffic, it also happens on all kinds of roads, including those with little traffic.

As with most car accidents, the main cause is negligence due to distraction. A driver gets distracted by the phone, the radio, or talking with their passengers and does not maintain a prudent distance between their vehicle and the car in front.

The most common personal injuries involve the neck and back. These types of injuries occur due to the whiplash caused by the impact. The injuries can be treated only with physical therapy or chiropractic in minor cases. Major impacts can cause serious injuries, requiring surgery, or even death.

Side Collisions (T-Bone Collisions)

A silver car with a damaged side after a T-bone accident. Attorney Ernesto Gonzalez in Orlando FL. Article on types of accidents and how to avoid them.

This type of accident occurs when the front of one vehicle impacts the side of another. The impact resembles the shape of the letter T.

This type of car accident often happens at intersections. A driver intentionally or negligently ignores a light or traffic signal and impacts another car crossing the intersection.

In some cases, the driver who impacts is not at fault for the accident, and the crash happens because the other driver violates the right of way and causes the collision. This type of accident is usually very strong and often causes serious injuries.

Side-Swipe Accidents

a black car with a damaged fender is parked after a side swipe car accident.  Attorney Ernesto Gonzalez Article on types of accidents and how to avoid them.

Este tipo de accidente ocurre cuando dos vehículos están pasando uno al lado del otro, ya sea en la misma dirección o en sentido contrario, y los lados de ambos vehículos se rozan o chocan.

A pesar de que estos accidentes suelen ser más leves, pueden causar lesiones personales debido a movimientos bruscos para evitarlos o producto del impacto.

En ciertas ocasiones, lo peor no es el impacto de lado contra lado, sino el hecho de que unos de los conductores, o ambos, pierde el control del vehículo e impacta a otros autos en la carretera, o se va de la carretera y choca contra un árbol o muro.

Head-On Collisions

two cars are involved in a car accident on a city street front accident. Attorney Ernesto Gonzalez in Orlando FL. Article on types of accidents and how to avoid them.

These collisions occur when two vehicles collide head-on. They frequently happen when a negligent driver leaves their lane and invades another car's lane in the opposite direction.

These accidents can be catastrophic and often result in death, head injuries, broken bones, and other serious injuries that require hospitalization and surgeries.

How to Avoid Car Accidents

Although it is impossible to avoid 100% of traffic accidents, there are measures you can take.

Avoid Distractions

a woman is driving distracted talking on a cell phone and applying lipstick. Attorney Ernesto Gonzalez in Orlando FL. Article on types of accidents and how to avoid them.

Distractions behind the wheel are the most common cause of car accidents. Distractions can occur for many reasons, but the most common are using a cell phone, eating, or engaging in activities that take your attention away from the road, such as applying makeup, eating, reading, combing your hair, etc.

Among the most dangerous distractions, cell phone use ranks first. Put your cell phone on silent and out of reach on the road. You can use your car with Bluetooth, but limit yourself to making or receiving phone calls.

Never read or send text messages. Similarly, eating, combing your hair, or applying makeup can cause distractions and put your life and passengers at risk.

Respect Speed Limits

a police officer is writing on a speeding ticket. Attorney Ernesto Gonzalez in Orlando FL. Article on types of accidents and how to avoid them.

Many accidents occur due to speeding, as drivers lack time to react to an emergency. Speed limits exist for a reason. Respecting them is an easy way to avoid accidents.

Never Drive Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs

A police officer showing a breathalyzer at DUI check point. Attorney Ernesto Gonzalez in Orlando FL. Article on types of accidents and how to avoid them.

The use of alcohol or drugs not only reduces the ability to react correctly in emergency cases but can also cause the driver to fall asleep or feel inflated and irrational confidence in their ability to drive.

Drive Defensively

a person is driving a car down a road with the sun shining through the windshield to portray alert driving. Attorney Ernesto Gonzalez in Orlando FL. Article on types of accidents and how to avoid them.

Taking all reasonable measures to avoid an accident does not mean that other drivers will do the same. Always drive defensively, assuming that other drivers will not necessarily follow traffic laws or drive reasonably and prudently.


Attorney Ernesto Gonzalez in Orlando FL. Article on types of accidents and how to avoid them.

Preventing traffic accidents begins with responsible and attentive driving. By following these tips and being aware of the risks, you can create safer roads for everyone in Orlando, Florida.

If you have had an accident or need a free consultation with an experienced accident lawyer who speaks English and Spanish, do not hesitate to call the Law Offices of Ernesto Gonzalez, P.A.


A car crash between two cars. Article by Ernesto Gonzalez on common types of accidents.
By Ernesto Gonzalez 14 Mar, 2024
Bienvenido a nuestra guía definitiva sobre los accidentes de tráfico más comunes en Orlando, Florida, y cómo evitarlos. En este artículo, exploraremos los distintos tipos de accidentes que ocurren con mayor frecuencia en nuestras carreteras y proporcionaremos consejos prácticos para mantenerte seguro mientras conduces. Este artículo está diseñado para ser una lectura rápida y fácil. 5 minutos de lectura.  English version Click here. Lo que encontrarás en este artículo: Tipos de Accidentes: Un vistazo a los accidentes más comunes, incluyendo colisiones traseras, laterales, de lado contra lado y frontales. Cómo Evitar los Accidentes: Consejos prácticos para prevenir accidentes, como evitar distracciones, respetar los límites de velocidad y más. Conducción Defensiva: Técnicas para conducir de manera segura y prevenir accidentes. Conclusiones: Reflexiones finales sobre la importancia de la seguridad vial.
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